2011年3月1日 星期二

18-month vaccine timeline(下)

Why: In adults, this highly contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, and lunga costs you a few days home in bed. Bet infants who come down with flu often develop pneumonia(肺炎) and bronchitis(支氣管炎) require hospitalization. Rouhly 150 children die of influenza in the United State annually. The 2010-2011 flu vaccine cotains two seasonal strains plus H1N1 strain.
When: 6 months or later. The first time a child receives the flu vaccine, he needs two does separated at least fore weeks.
Side effects: pain, redness, and tenderness at injection site

MMR: (measles麻疹, mumps腮腺炎, rubella德國麻疹)
Why: You can catch measles  simply by being in a room an infected person recently left-it's that contagious. Children often leads to pneumonia, seizures, and brain damage. Mumps is spread in the air by a cough or sneeze from an infected person. In kids, mumps can lead meningitis(腦膜炎), encephalitis(腦炎), hearing los, or swelling of the testes, which can cause sterility(不孕). Rubella is usually a mind illness causing fever, swollen glands, and a rash that lasts about three days. But if a pregnant woman is infected., her fetus may suffer serious heart defects, intellectual disability, and loss of the hearing and eyesight.
When:between 12 to 15 months
Side effects: pain, redness, and tenderness at injection site; low-grade fever; mind rash

Varicella: (chicken pox) 水痘
When: between 12 to 15 months
Side effects: pain, redness, and tenderness at injection site; mind fever; rash

Hep A: (Hepatitis A) A型肝炎
Why:The liver infection is spread primarily through contact with the feces of an infected person.
When: Two doses are given at least 3 months apart between 12 to 23 months
Side effects: Soreness, a felling of warmth, or swelling at the infection site.

所有資料來源:American Baby Magazine January 2011 p53~56

